History Documentaries

Uncover rich, historical stories about the influential movements, events, and people that have shaped our world throughout time.
The importance of history
Some people love learning more about history, but some people can’t be bothered. However you feel about it, it can’t be denied that historical events are an integral part of shaping people, society, and countries into what they are today.

As Martin Luther King puts it – “We are not makers of history. We are made by history.” Our history affects who we are now, shaping our ideologies, preferences, and values. Reflecting on our history also helps us consider how we can learn from it in order to prepare ourselves for the future and in time play a part in making new history.

History documentaries can cover a wide range of topics
You may think that documentary films are only about very old history, but this isn’t true at all. History documentaries can be about all kinds of influential movements, people, and events, allowing you to learn about our shared past while entertaining yourself with a captivating historical story.

The beauty of a history documentary is that it covers everything that has happened in the past, which is a very broad definition. History documentary films can be about anything from cultural revolutions, to the moon landing, drug wars, supreme court battles, the genesis of rock bands, and much more.Consider your own interests when watching a history documentary
If you think watching history documentaries is boring, try factoring in your own preferences when it comes to selecting a history documentary film. If you are interested in a certain country, era, or historical figure, try searching for documentaries about them.

For example, if you have a strong interest in the British monarchy, you can watch documentaries such as Edward VIII: The King Who Threw Away His Crown, Wallis Simpson: The Secret Letters, or Diana: The Night She Died, which paint intimate portraits of people who are members of or have ties close to the royal family.

Whereas someone who enjoys learning about major historical events may be more interested in historical documentaries that cover monumental changes in history, like 1929: The Year of the Crash or 1945: The Year That Changed the World, The 101 Who Made the 20th Century, which offer great insights into people and events that have shaped our world into what it is today, with stories about The Great Depression, World War II, and movers and shakers throughout time, such as Margaret Thatcher, Ghandi, Amelia Earhart, and more.

If you are a film buff, you can also watch the documentary film Chaplin in Bali, which follows the legendary Charlie Chaplin as he goes on a trip to Bali with his brother Sydney, in an attempt to ease off a professional crisis and gain peace and inspiration. Cinema Through the Eye of Magnum also ties together two seemingly opposite worlds, fiction and reality, by telling the story of the encounter between Magnum Photos Agency photojournalists and famous actors and filmmakers.

Whatever your interests are, our engaging history documentaries on iwonder can help you view the past in a whole new way.